Romantic Phrases In Spanish

Love is the most amazing feeling and when you fall in love you try to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend with different methods like singing a romantic song, writing a poetry, giving gifts, sending cute and romantic messages but after trying all if it goes in vain then try Romantic Phrases In Spanish. You can try this on a romantic date or while proposing.

Romantic phrases in Spanish never goes misfired asSpanish is considered as the romantic language because of its soft consonants and longer vowelsSpanish language is stuffed with rich literature, songs, music and poetry.

There is always a right time and palace to impress with your Spanish Abilities, don’t be a creep while expressing emotions, try to use it correctly, Spanish is already a Romantic language.

Below here are given Romantic Phrases which you can try to impress your love.

  1. Hola que tal? Encantado de = Hello, how is it going? Nice to meet you.
  2. Te gustaria ir a tomar un café? = Would you like to go for a coffee?
  3. Me gustaria llamarte para invitarte a tomar algo = I’d like to call you to takeyou out for a drink.
  4. Quieres ir a dar una vuelta? Es un dia hermoso = Would you like to go for a walk? It’s a beautiful day.
  5. Me encataria saber mas acera de ti. Salimos el Viernes? -= I’d love to know more about you, would you like to go out on Friday?
  6. Hola como estas? Estas muy linda. / te ves muy apuesto. = Hello how are you. You look beautiful. / You look handsome.
  7. Tienes una Mirada cautivadora. = You have a captivating look 9 in their eyes).
  8. Que music ate gusta escuchar? = What music do you like to listen to?
  9. Le estoy pasandao muy bien y tu? = I am having a great time, how about you?
  10. No quiero quo termine la noche, vamos a otro lado? = I don’t want the night to end. Let’s go someplace else.
  11. Vamos a tomar algo an otro lado? = would you like to have drink somewhere else?
  12. Vamos a baliar? = Would you like to go dancing?
  13. Vamos a tomar un hela do? = Would you like to go for ice cream?
  14. Me divertoi mucho. Me encantaria volver a verte = I had a lot of fun. I’d love to see you again.
  15. Si quieres, te acopano a tu casa. = I can take you home if you’d like.
  16. Me gusta mucho puedo besar esos labios? =I like you a lot .Can I kiss your lips?
  17. Eres tan herrmosa/ tan apuesto como el dia en que te conoci. = You are as beautiful/ handsome as the day I met you.
  18. No puedo imaginarme como huberia sido mi vida sin ti. = I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without you.
