A ruler is a device with measurings used to take measurements. Rulers are used for mathematical calculations, constructions, architecture, sewing landscaping and more. It can be wooden or metal strip having straight edge usually marked off in inches and centimeters for drawing lines, measuring etc.

There are two types of rulers the inch ruler with fractional division and metric ruler with decimal division, going through those little mixed lines can be little daunting but once you know how to read ruler you will not face any trouble its easy and simple to understand calculation.

How to read an “Inch Ruler”?

First get aruler of good quality  although all rulers have inches and metrics on same ruler parallel to each other but just four being cautious you can ask for an inches ruler to read inches you will find 12 lines on ruler that denote inches on the ruler 12 inches equals to 1 foot. Each inch is divided into 15 smaller marks equaling 16 marks in total for an inch on ruler.

Bigger lines on the surface of a ruler are inches and decreasing small lines are the sub fractional inches leading from top to other bigger lines,the bigger is measurements, be sure that you read ruler from left to right while measuring align it from the zero mark to the length you want to reach.

For measuring the ½” inch you will find the second longest lines on the ruler, as long as the inch mark which is midway between each number and that is half of aninch.

 How to read ¼” of a ruler?  Well halfway between each line there are smaller lines that denotes a ¼ of an inch.There are total 48 mark on a12 inch ruler.

How to read Centimeters” on ruler?

Get a metric ruler, it is based on the international system of units, sometimes called as metric system and is further divide into millimeters. Rulers are often 30 centimeters long between each centimeter there are 10littlemarks counted as millimeters

While learning How To Read A Ruler measure in centimeters make sure that you read it from left to right aligning it with zero to the required length. As per the English metric system the measurements for the metric ruler are written in decimal rather than fractions like ½ is written as 0.5 cm.

The large number with longest line on ruler denotes centimeter mark a ruler has 30 marks, to measure 1 cm keep your scale firmly on the surface and point down from 0 to 1 mark this becomes 1 cm, to mark half of a centimetercarefully note that every half line between two numbers on a ruler is half of a centimeter it is a slightly small line from a centimeter mark there are total 60 marks on a30 cm ruler.

To learn millimeter marks note that there are 4 four additional linesthat denotes millimeter marks there are total 10 lines in one centimeter making each centimeter 10 mm long there are 300 mm on a 30 cm ruler.

Measuring with the help of ruler is common in everyday life and it isthe most common tool found in children’s geometry box, home makers sewing boxes and on a tailor’s desk.

Learning how to read ruler needs practice and practice leads toaccurate measurements, always be sure to choose the right side for measuring the length so that you may not mix inches and centimeters for a quick note remember there are 12 inches and 30 cm on a ruler
